Fwd: CFP: Postwar Japanese Fiction & Film

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at yale.edu
Sat Dec 19 04:18:18 EST 2009

Begin forwarded message:
> From:  H-Announce at hnet.msu.edu
> Limning the Contemporary in Postwar Japanese Fiction and Film
> Location:	New Mexico, United States
> Call for Papers Deadline:	2010-03-01
> Date Submitted:	2009-12-13
> Announcement ID:	172650
> Call for Papers: "Limning the Contemporary in Postwar Japanese  
> Fiction and Film" panel at RMMLA Oct. 2010
> This panel is designed to appeal to a wide spectrum of approaches  
> from scholars of modern Japan. Although conceived of as "area- 
> focused," the issue of the nature and timing of "the contemporary"  
> in modern Japan resonates with debates on the nature of  
> postmodernity in the West. Proposals for papers concerning the  
> nature of "the contemporary" and/or of "modernity" and its  
> relationship to "postmodernity" in Japan as it relates to  
> literature, film or criticism are welcome.
> The Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association conference takes  
> place October 14-16, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. For information on  
> the conference, please see http://rmmla.wsu.edu/conferences/conf10Albuquerque/default.asp
> In order to present their papers, all panel members must be members  
> of the RMMLA by April 1, 2010. Please see http://rmmla.wsu.edu/member/join-renew.asp 
>  for details.
> The deadline for proposal submissions is March 1, 2010. Please  
> include the following in your proposal:
> name
> institutional affiliation
> area of study
> e-mail contact
> paper title
> abstract of 250-500 words
> AV requirements
> Peter Tillack
> Assistant Professor of Japanese
> Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
> Montana State University
> (406)994-6441
> Email: tillack at montana.edu
> Visit the website at http://rmmla.wsu.edu/call/default.asp
> ********************************************************
> H-Japan encourages authors to append a summary of their
> message in Japanese when writing in English and in English
> when writing in Japanese.
> ********************************************************

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