Literature on Japanese-English subtitle translation

Claudia Anderson 204172 at
Wed Dec 9 19:07:31 EST 2009

Thankyou for your replies.

I have indeed been reading Cinema Babel and it has proved useful, I will see
what other similar literature there is. I am probably going to focus on
Japanese-English translation, although if I find more material of interest
on English-Japanese, that may be a possibility, especially as Hollywood
films are more familiar to me and their translation into Japanese could
prove interesting, especially with the fantasy film translations with
Natsuko Toda.

I am based in London, but if you are far away I would be interested in
discussing this issue, if you have Skype or another messenger, we could
commnicate that way.


2009/12/10 Roger Macy <macyroger at>

>  Dear Claudia,
> David has already mentioned your best starting point, *Cinema Babel*.
> Marcus' thesis is, I suggest, more about the visibility of translation, then
> the visibility of translators.
> I have been steadily accumulating material, from compromising
> correspondence on the translation of Eisenstein's films, to data on the
> visibility of translators on several hundred film screenings and video
> sales.  A proposal to present this with some critical commentary under the
> heading 'Film Translation as a Curatorial Issue' was rejected for the
> forthcoming SCMS, but I have now proposed this elsewhere, and hope springs
> eternal. But none of my work is about translation into Japanese, if that is
> your interest.  Perhaps we could chat?  Where (roughly) are you ?
> I ask where, partly for practicalities, but also because English itself has
> many guises.  I think it's a moot point whether film translators are
> becoming more visible - certainly not at a cinemathecque near me - but the
> question of regional translation is particularly invisible.  And there is
> correspondence going back to the silent era on regional English
> difficulties.  It wasn't, by the way, until I was talking in a pub with
> Marcus that I discovered how Marcus pronounces 'Babel' (and, I think, vice
> versa).
> By the way, do I take it that your AV stands for audio-visual and not
> 'adult' video, an area in which film translation research is erm.. pick your
> cliché .. not done yet.
> Roger
> (currently in Tunbridge Wells, England)
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Claudia Anderson <204172 at>
> *To:* KineJapan at
> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 09, 2009 10:19 PM
> *Subject:* Literature on Japanese-English subtitle translation
> Hi all,
> I am an undergraduate student researching the history and change of AV
> translation of Japanese cinema to English, predominantly focusing on
> subtitling, although I have yet to completely refine the direction of my
> dissertation. Does anyone know of any good literature (in English or
> Japanese) regarding the change and evolution of cinema, throughout the 20th
> century? Themes that would be ideal to explore would include the increasing
> 'visibility' of the translator, and how Japan has coped with a cinema
> industry which has been problematically monolingual.
> Any help is much appreciated,
> Regards,
> Claudia Anderson
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