Representations of Suicide in Japanese Cinema

Edel Quinn delquinn at
Thu Feb 26 18:48:47 EST 2009

Hi there,

My name is Edel. I'm a Masters student at the Huston Film School, in  
National University  of Ireland. I am in the early stages of  
researching my thesis on Representations of Suicide in Japanese  
Cinema. The extent to which suicide is mentioned and depicted in  
Japanese arts has always interested me, especially since,  
statistically speaking, Japan's title of being one of the world's  
'suicide nations' has only in recent years been warranted.   With this  
in mind I am looking at both contemporary and classical films and  
emphasis will be placed on how representations are made and whether or  
not there are links between cultural depictions and sociological  
trends.This will involve a discussion of traditional forms of  
committing suicide such as seppaku. Also Shinjyuu, the form of suicide  
committed among couples, to forms of familial suicides such as boshi- 
shinjyu along with more contemporary trends amongst young people in  

I am also considering cross cultural analysis comparing western  
representations of Japanese suicide with Japanese depictions.

However, I am having great difficulty finding resources on my topic.  
Obviously the fact that I am limited to English resources makes  
everything more difficult. I would be most grateful if anyone has   
encountered interesting texts, studies and films that deal with  
suicide in film generally and particularly within the Japanese context.

If anyone has any thoughts, opinions or ideas on how I should go about  
this study they would be most welcome! As I mentioned I'm in the early  
stages of my research so I'm still figuring out what direction to take.

Thanks so much for your time.

Regards, Edel Quinn

delquinn at

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