KINEJAPAN digest 2659

Frako Loden frako at
Sat Jun 6 13:24:26 EDT 2009

Thank you, Michael, and a belated thank you to Roland. (I'm still 
very curious how Roland managed to have such focused info at hand!) I 
guess it's possible that even if Richard Lester's How I Won the War  
wasn't released into theatres back in 1967, Oshima could have seen it 
another way. But who knows whether or how films like that or A Hard 
Day's Night  or the Monkees' Head  influenced Oshima's Kaette kita 
yopparai (Three Resurrected Drunkards).

Frako Loden
Berkeley, CA

At 11:29 PM -0500 6/5/09, <mjraine at> wrote:
>Hello Frako,
>This is a good web site for foreign film releases:
>Here's the info for how I won the war:
>Not as detailed as Roland though!
>Michael Raine
>Assistant Professor in Japanese Cinema
>University of Chicago
>>Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 09:41:39 -0700
>>From: Frako Loden <frako at> 
>>Subject: release year of non-Japanese films in Japan 
>>To: KineJapan at
>>    Is there a handy online source in either Japanese or
>>    English giving the year of release in Japan of
>>    non-Japanese films?
>>    I'm especially interested in the month and year
>>    Richard Lester's 1967 film How I Won the War was
>>    released in Japan.
>>    Thanks,
>>    Frako Loden
>>    Berkeley, CA
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