JF Waste?

Nornes, Markus amnornes at umich.edu
Mon Nov 9 12:46:50 EST 2009

, "Mark Roberts" <mroberts37 at mail-central.com> wrote:

> As you
> point out, it's a similar situation with the NFC. It seems like both
> JF and NFC are caught between the public, the research community, the
> industry, and a complacent government.

On the issue of the list the two are not comparable. All archives come  
onto possession of prints with shady provenence. So no archive in the  
world shares an honest list of their vaults (perhaps the US National  
Archive is an exception because it is a government repository).

But JF purchased it's prints, so there is no reason for them to be  


PS: there wad am event at Yamagata on film preservation and it was  
attended by professional archivists from several countries. They  
reported being scandalized by revelation that the Film Center does not  
accept prints without clearing copyright, which goes entirely against  
international standards of practice becuase it guarentees the swift  
orphaning of films. (This was not a presentation by the Film Center,  
so I do not know how accurate it is. Some Film Center current snd past  
people are on KineJapan. Perhaps they could confirm.)

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