Tokyo FilmEx 2009

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at
Thu Nov 5 07:14:26 EST 2009

As many of you probably already know, this year's edition of the Tokyo  
FilmEx will be held between November 21 and November 29, 2009. Details  
are available at the FilmEx site:

Of course the main attraction for many of us is the special  
retrospective program of classic films with English subtitles. This  
year features the Nippon Modern program of films from the 1930s done  
in conjunction with Shochiku. It will feature films by Shimazu  
Yasujiro, Gosho Heinosuke, Ozu Yasujiro, and, since this is the 100th  
anniversary of Tanaka Kinuyo's birth, films featuring that actress as  
well. Again most (but not all) will feature English subtitles.

By the way, most of us recognize the term "Nippon Modern" from Mitsuyo  
Wada-Marciano's recent book. I ran into Ichiyama Shozo, the FilmEx  
program director, the other day and asked him about that. He said that  
it was a total coincidence: they came up with the title first and  
learned later about the title of Mitsuyo's book. Of course, Mitsuyo's  
book takes up a lot of the films being shown and could serve as good  
program notes for your viewing.

Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Associate Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

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