Teshigahara Hiroshi

eigagogo at free.fr eigagogo at free.fr
Mon Oct 5 12:21:17 EDT 2009


There's a R3 DVD available (english subbed)


Selon jacline moriceau <jmoricea at club-internet.fr>:

> Dear contributors,
>     I am just subscribing to KineJapanand as a French researcher in Paris
> about Anglo-American and Japanese cinema.
> Let me know if you may give me any information about Teshigahara Hiroshi. I
> am planning a book about him as a film maker.(I am aware that he had a lot of
> other artistic activities and I probably ask you later about them)
>     I can't find his last film Gohime translated. However, I think it has
> been subtitled in English and Chinese.
>     Do you have any information about his stays in the USA?
> Thank you very much
> Jacline

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