Anyone doing Kurosawa (Akira) these days?

Mathieu Capel mathieucapel at
Thu Apr 1 05:24:15 EDT 2010

Apologies Clelia,
I didn't know you were in...

2010/4/1 =%iso-8859-1?Q?cl=E9lia_zernik?= <clelia.zernik at>

> Hi,
> I'm now exchange researcher at Waseda university. And my research proposal
> is Kurosawa Akira. I've also written a paper for this number of Trafic,
> called Body Weight.
> I would be very happy to meet other researchers on Kurosawa.
> Best wishes,
> Clelia
> --- En date de : *Mer 31.3.10, Mathieu Capel <mathieucapel at>* a
> écrit :
> De: Mathieu Capel <mathieucapel at>
> Objet: Re: Anyone doing Kurosawa (Akira) these days?
> À: KineJapan at
> Date: Mercredi 31 mars 2010, 13h20
> Hello Markus
> I'm afraid it won't fit your demand actually, but I just wanted to make an
> announcement for french readers : the next number of french review Trafic
> will propose a tokushu about Kurosawa with several papers, including one by
> french cinematographer Luc Moullet, and another by myself (mine is about the
> 1948-1957 body of films, considered as strictly coherent : I focus on its
> aesthetic dynamics, i.e. structural entropy, splitting of self (thanks to
> illness), and the beam of lines as a visual signature and the center of this
> system - with Kumonosujo being the greatest achievement of it... Well I
> suppose I should write an english abstract, that would be much clearer...).
> The best thing being the translation of a 1950 text by Kurosawa himself...
> To be published next June or sooner, I think.
> Mathieu Capel
> Paris
> 2010/3/30 Mark Nornes <amnornes at<>
> >
>> Greetings all,
>> Michigan is showing a season of Kurosawa Akira films next fall. I'm hoping
>> to bring some scholars in to talk Kurosawa, if the Center buys the idea. Is
>> there anyone out there doing new work on Kurosawa these days? I'd like to
>> know about what you're up to.
>> Markus
>>   _________________________________
>> *A. M. Nornes*
>> *Chair*
>> *Department of Screen Arts and Cultures*
>> *University of Michigan*
>> *
>> 6525 Haven Hall; 505 S. State Street
>> Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
>> Phone: 734-763-4087
>> FAX: 734-936-1846
>> *
> --
> Mathieu Capel
> 67 rue de la Roquette
> 75011 Paris
> 06 50 32 45 00 / 01 43 79 19 19
> mathieucapel at<>

Mathieu Capel
67 rue de la Roquette
75011 Paris
06 50 32 45 00 / 01 43 79 19 19
mathieucapel at
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