3 Japanese fantasy cinema titles needed
Claudia Anderson
204172 at soas.ac.uk
Mon Mar 22 18:05:44 EDT 2010
Also in reference to the DVD of the 1982 film Tenkosei - I have found the
film on Amazon here
am able to read the Japanese, but it does not seem to mention anywhere
anything about the subtitles - would anyone know whether this version comes
with subtitles, or whether there is another version?
On 22 March 2010 21:47, Claudia Anderson <204172 at soas.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hello all,
> As further research into this project, I have found that investigating
> postwar films (40s and 50s) may also be useful. For this, does anyone know
> where I can get a copy of a film from this era (preferably of fantasy genre,
> but I am imagining such films are elusive, so any films that have some
> relation to this genre are also good) with the original subtitles? If anyone
> knows any good titles, I could at least try and obtain a film by DVD - but
> if anyone knows where I could find original subtitles for films of this era,
> that would be a great help. If such materials are in fact almost impossible
> to find - any literature of that era that looks closely at film subtitle
> translation (such as journals) would also help.
> Regards,
> Claudia
> On 5 March 2010 14:55, Mark Nornes <amnornes at umich.edu> wrote:
>> All of the historical pieces for Japanese cinema are in the Cinema Babel
>> footnotes, and they're pretty much autobiographical. A 'how-to' literature
>> also sprang up from the 1990s on (I don't know if it's before that).
>> As for the rest of the world, it seems most secondary literature is social
>> scientific and so they're interested in studying how it works at the time of
>> writing, not what happened in the past. But this probably a good thing, as
>> it means you can do original work. To the degree you can track the work of
>> the linguists and psychologists, you can have a fairly precise sense for how
>> subtitling was done at a given moment.
>> Markus
>> _________________________________
>> *A. M. Nornes*
>> *Chair*
>> *Department of Screen Arts and Cultures*
>> *University of Michigan*
>> *
>> 6525 Haven Hall; 505 S. State Street
>> Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
>> Phone: 734-763-4087
>> FAX: 734-936-1846
>> *
>> On Mar 5, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Claudia Anderson wrote:
>> Thankyou Mark for the point on the celluloid subtitles. I have another
>> related question on the comparison of subtitle translation over time - I
>> have struggled to find much more literature beyond 'Cinema Babel' that
>> examine subtitle translation over time, particularly for Japanese cinema -
>> does anyone know what other literature there is on this subject?
>> Regards,
>> On 4 March 2010 18:21, Mark Nornes <amnornes at umich.edu> wrote:
>>> Dear Claudia,
>>> Be careful if you are making claims about the translations vis a vis the
>>> historical contexts of the films. Subtitles for DVDs are generally different
>>> than the original release subtitles. And I suspect that in this genre, most
>>> fantasy films from Japan were dubbed into English in the 60s and 70s. To be
>>> confident, you would want to use a video where the subs were burned or
>>> printed onto the celluloid. Even then, you would want to be careful.
>>> An alternative would be looking into the BFI or other archives for any
>>> distributor collections. They might have materials like the original
>>> subtitle list on paper. I saw materials like this in the Academy library
>>> (though not for Japanese film). Even better, if there are any of those
>>> distributors still around ask them directly. And if you can identify
>>> translators by name, they might actually have scripts in their own files.
>>> Good luck. I look forward to seeing your work!
>>> Markus
>>> _________________________________
>>> *A. M. Nornes*
>>> *Chair*
>>> *Department of Screen Arts and Cultures*
>>> *University of Michigan*
>>> *
>>> 6525 Haven Hall; 505 S. State Street
>>> Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
>>> Phone: 734-763-4087
>>> FAX: 734-936-1846
>>> *
>>> On Mar 3, 2010, at 6:06 PM, Claudia Anderson wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have posted here regarding the same research project before, and I have
>>> got to the stage of doing my own close analysis of subtitle translation of 3
>>> films in different eras. However, I am not so au fait with the range of
>>> fantasy films on offer, so I would be eternally grateful if somebody could
>>> suggest 3 Japanese fantasy film subtitles, one film from the 60s, one from
>>> the 80s, and one from this decade, and ones that have been subtitled into
>>> English. I am also looking for the scripts of the original japanese
>>> dialogues, and should be able to find them myself, but if anyone has links
>>> to those as well, that would be ideal. I have chosen the genre of fantasy
>>> due to its tendency to lend itself to opportunities for 'creative'
>>> translations.
>>> Regards,
>>> Claudia
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