more Hara Setsuko

Dick Stegewerns dick.stegewerns at
Sun Apr 24 05:00:40 EDT 2011

 Thanks, Faith, for your short comment. The 'worthy' was mainly intended 
 in the objective sense of 'complete and in good condition'. Guess we can 
 nowadays enjoy plenty of 1930s B-films by merely watching Skapa, so I 
 assumed there was no need to make a special effort to see this if you do 
 not have a special interest in the distinct bonus element of Hara 
 Setsuko. Look forward to reading the results of your study (already 

 On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 16:58:17 +0900 (JST), faith wrote:
> Thanks, Dick, for your exhaustive summary of the latest Shincho 45
> film clip. Personally I found it fascinating to study the location
> camerawork, character stereotypes and acting schtick of an authentic
> "B" film from that far back and I am indebted to Mr Yasui for giving
> me the chance to do so. Guess we all have our own whimsical ideas of
> what is and is not "worthy."
> FB

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