Bye bye Pia

Peter Larson pslarson2 at
Sat Apr 23 16:51:12 EDT 2011

PIA was a life saver, I'm sorry to see it go. I found all kinds of great 
screenings in Nishinari, Osaka through PIA.

On 2011/04/23 16:37, Katherine Mezur wrote:
> Ah, I also spent many hours with PIA, for experimental theatre, butoh, 
> and performance. The maps and pictures were so tiny, but one managed 
> without GPS. And the dates for maeuri were essential for any avid 
> shogekijo researcher. The question is are they forcing us into tiny 
> online phone-machines? Thanks for the note. K
> Prof. Dr. Katherine Mezur
> Research Fellow
> International Research Center
> "Interweaving Performance Cultures"
> Freie University Berlin
> Grunewaldstr. 34
> 12165 Berlin(-Steglitz), Germany
> Tel.: +49 30 838 50448
> Fax: +49 30 838 50449
> kmezur at
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Aaron Gerow <aaron.gerow at>
> *To:* KineJapan at
> *Sent:* Fri, April 22, 2011 4:58:12 AM
> *Subject:* Bye bye Pia
> The Asahi reports that the information magazine Pia will cease 
> publication in July. Those of you who lived in Japan especially in the 
> 80s and 90s know that Pia was the source for information not only on 
> where commercial films were playing but also, since anyone could 
> submit their own screenings, where experimental or jishu eiga 
> screenings were taking place. I went to many an odd screening that I 
> found in Pia, which for a while I bought weekly. A lot of that info is 
> on the net, so you can understand why the magazine will stop (Pia will 
> still run its website), but this does sound like the end of an era.
> The Pia Film Festival, one of the most important showcases for new 
> film talent in Japan, will continue, however. Pia apparently makes 
> most of its money through its ticket sales bureau, so the company is 
> still alive and well.
> Aaron Gerow
> KineJapan owner
> Associate Professor
> Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
> Yale University
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