documentary about indie-animation

Stefan Nutz nuzumaki at
Fri Apr 22 06:44:07 EDT 2011

Hi there,


First of all: Sorry for self-promotion!


I just wanted to spread the word that I am currently working on a
documentary on Japanese indie/arthouse/underground-animation. Production
started last November and will last until I think I have enough to put
together a decent film - or money runs out. Whatever comes first. 

Running time, as far as I can say that yet, will be around 60min for the
main-feature. There will be different bundles available for festivals and
TV-stations, as there will be also be a 30min. part I can’t speak about yet.


The film is shot via a pretty new digital way of achieving a cinematic depth
of field. In the end the goal is: 

Making look digital video like standard film. Which is actually impossible
but we are getting pretty close now. But don’t expect 4k resolutions for the
big screens. During the last 1 ½ years I shot a lot on these cameras, had a
lot ups and downs, but the outcome is more than expected. 


You can see some of the screenshots (not color corrected) on my website



Unfortunately my last trip to Tokyo has been canceled due to obvious reasons
but now I can’t wait to go to Nippon Connection later next week to continue
shooting, as there will be a lot of interesting stuff happening:


The Filmmakers' Talk will start at 20:30, Festivalzentrum K2
Special Guests: Mirai Mizue, Nobuaki Doi, Tochka 
Moderator: Cathy Munroe Hotes of Nishikata Film Review 


An Animated Film Workshop with TOCHKA will also take place
Saturday, April 30, 17:00 in the Festivalzentrum KOZ



Thanks and hope to see some of you in Frankfurt,







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