film on the faultline

Alan Wright alan.wright at
Wed Dec 7 18:10:08 EST 2011

Greeting everyone

My name is Alan Wright and I teach cinema Studies in Christchurch, New Zealand.  I have wanted to get in touch with the community of writers and scholars on Japanese film since the major earthquakes that have struck my city in New Zealand.  My heart goes out to those that are still suffering in the wake of the 11th March earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 

I think that the earthquake can also shake up our ideas about film.  Think of Life and Nothing More by Kiarostami.  Can we imagine a common will and spirit shared by recent films from Turkey, Italy, Japan, Chile, Haiti, Iran, China?  Let’s call it Ciné Tectonica! Here film exists on the faultline ...

Intellect Books have agreed to publish a collection of critical essays that examine how filmmakers have responded to the experience of a major natural and social disaster like an earthquake.  The book will also treat the earthquake as a theoretical object, an event that radically transforms our understanding of the limits and possibilities of cinema, as well as of life itself.  I am very keen to include a section on Japanese film.  I've attached the call for papers to this message.  If you are interested, please send a 250 word abstract by March 7th, 2012.      


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