looking for people planning to go to Pordenone

ReelDrew at aol.com ReelDrew at aol.com
Sun Sep 18 23:31:20 EDT 2011

Are any KineJapan members planning to attend the Pordenone Silent Film  
Festival on October 1? I am currently in the process of finishing a new book on 
 early film history and would very much appreciate it if anyone going there 
would  be able to distribute the flyers for my book there by placing some 
of them on  the festival's display table. As the book is not concerned with 
Japanese film  history and I intend my first public announcement of its 
forthcoming appearance  in print to be via the distribution of the flyers at the 
festival, I would very  much like to discuss this with any interested people 
at KineJapan in personal  e-mail correspondence.
William M. Drew
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