Upcoming Workshop at the University of California, Berkeley

Michael Raine raine.michael.j at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 00:59:01 EDT 2012

"Cultural Geographies of 1960s Japan: Film, Music + Arts"

This workshop proposes to take the concerns of cultural geography as a
model (or metaphor) for a way of thinking the landscape of art- and
film-making in the 1960s Tokyo counterculture. By mapping the
circulation of different forms of cinema, music, media and performance
arts, the location of the different institutions that housed them, and
the network of relations between the people involved, the workshop
will enhance our understanding of intermediality in 1960s arts as a
social and spatial, as well as textual, practice. The 1960s
“counter-culture” must be taken at its word: as a relational term
opposed to the commercial culture of high economic growth that also
formed its condition of possibility. Combining the hermeneutic
analysis of texts and art works with the recent emphasis on
inter-medial connections and the analysis of spatial culture, the
workshop aims to create a new perspective on the relation of
avant-garde and mainstream culture.

Thursday 4/26	142 Dwinelle, Nestrick Room

7:30 pm: Welcome and keynote 	
Miryam Sas, Film&Media and Comparative Literature, UC
Berkeley	introductory remarks
Michael Raine, Film&Media and EALC, UC Berkeley			        introductory remarks
Kuroda Raiji (KuroDalaiJi), Fukuoka Asian Art Museum		
Performance Art and Urban Space
Julia Bryan-Wilson, Art History, UC Berkeley			
response to KuroDalaiJi

Friday 4/27 	2223 Fulton Street 6th Floor Conference Room

10 am: Conceptualizing urban (film) space	
Sharon Hayashi, York University			       Space and politics in 1960s art
Roland Domenig, University of Vienna		       Down and below: Shinjuku
and Japanese underground culture
Hirasawa Go, Meiji Gakuin University		       The "collective
intelligence" of Shinjuku as a site for underground film production
Chair: Dan O’Neill
Noon: Musical presentation with demonstration:  Graphic Scores /
Ichiyanagi Toshi
Yayoi Uno-Everett, Emory University	
Bonnie Wade, Music, UC Berkeley	
2:30 pm: Media / mediation 	
Yuriko Furuhata, McGill University 		       Techniques of Circulation:
Expanded Cinema, Expo 70, and the Securitization of Urban Space
Matsui Shigeru, Tokyo University of the Arts	       Tono Yoshiaki and
TV Environment
Miki Kaneda, Museum of Modern Art		       Memories of Place: The
Sogetsu Art Center and Experimental Music in Japan
5 pm: Concluding round table 	
Opening remarks by:	
Steven Ridgely, University of Wisconsin-Madison	
William Marotti, UCLA

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