Enshutsu / Kosei

Jonathan M. Hall jmhall at pomona.edu
Tue Feb 14 08:44:30 EST 2012

Yes, I agree "production design" does not equal kosei.  

(an aside:
As the FIAF glossary reminds us:
Production Designer, Production Design. The person who conceives, plans, and
supervises the overall physical look of a movie, and as such is responsible for almost
everything that is placed before the camera (apart from the actors). Works closely with
the Director and the Director of Photography from the earliest stages of the production.
In smaller units, this role can be assumed by the Art Director. )

But, what I was getting for was a term to express the external implementation of a visual structure upon the subject(s) of the camera at the point of pre-production and production.  

I love French; my favorite author is Genet whom I enjoy in the original.


差出人: owner-KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu [owner-KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu] は Nornes, Markus [amnornes at umich.edu] の代理
送信日時: 2012年2月14日 5:27
宛先: <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
件名: Re: Enshutsu / Kosei

On Feb 14, 2012, at 8:03 AM, "Jonathan M. Hall" <jmhall at pomona.edu> wrote:

> So I didn't think it made sense to credit myself for direction or for production design. Instead, it seemed more honest to credit myself simply as filmmaker.

The troublemaker here is "kosei" which doesn't really have a clean equivalent, does it?  Actually, I have often wondered what exactly is implied by a kosei credit. I don't think it is "production design", a technical term essentially for art design―art directors with responsibilities over costumes, set designers, etc. etc.. There are even MFAs for this at places like Chapman. I don't think that is what usually implies.


> 『ライブテープ』はそれができないんですよ。カメラが廻ってからは、今まで演出と
> して行っていた仕事は、カメラマンにゆだねるしかないんです。構成も前野健太さん
> が自分で歌を変えたりしているので、自分が何をやっていたかというと、企画を作っ
> て、人を集めて、「スタート」って言って、「カット」って言っているだけなんで
> す。それで演出・構成という言葉が自分で合わないと思い、監督というクレジットに
> 変えました。自分の中でドキュメンタリーに対するアプローチがすごく変わった作品
> ですね。
> Many thanks. Asako
> Tokyo Japan
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