Enshutsu / Kosei

Jonathan M. Hall jmhall at pomona.edu
Tue Feb 14 08:03:16 EST 2012

I don't believe English is so impoverished.  And most readers will lose Matsue's meaning if you do. In fact,  the emphasis of the passage is on the difference between filmmaking as something planned in advance and something that unfolds spontaneously.  I don't think the term "auteur" really gets at that, as in English, it's got the heavy baggage of "style" within it.  

This is how I would do the passage--and I believe it makes sense to someone who doesn't speak French, isn't a cineaste, but does know how to make films.

That was impossible in Live Tape.  Once the camera began to roll, I had to relinquish to the cameraman any plans I had developed as a director.  Since Maeno Kenta was also reworking the songs for the film, I couldn't even claim control over production design.  All I could say I was doing was coming up with a project, gathering the people for it, and then giving the commands for"Action!" and "Cut."    So I didn't think it made sense to credit myself for direction or for production design. Instead, it seemed more honest to credit myself simply as filmmaker. Live Tape was a film where my complete relation to documentary had to shift.

I know that Matsue is his own cameraman for Tokyo Drifter, but was that also the case for Live Tape?


差出人: owner-KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu [owner-KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu] は fujioka asako [asakof at tkd.att.ne.jp] の代理
送信日時: 2012年2月13日 23:43
宛先: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
件名: Enshutsu / Kosei

Hello. A translation question.
I'm translating a Matsue Tetsuaki interview where he says that _Live Tape_
is the first film he credits himself "kantoku" whereas he had always
considered his role as "enshutsu / kosei." Does anyone have ideas for good
English translations that illuminate the difference between the two terms?


Many thanks. Asako

Tokyo Japan

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