[KineJapan] Workshop on Fukushima Japan, the Planetary, the Spectacle - December 13th

kthouny at gmail.com kthouny at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 07:42:28 EST 2013

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce a third and last workshop at Tokyo University, Komaba Campus this coming Friday, May 17th from 6pm.

Fukushima After-Lives: Urban Spectacles and Planetary Narratives Ramona Handel-Bajema (AmeriCares), Kimura Saeko (Tsuda College), Christophe Thouny (University of Tokyo), Ueno Toshiya (Wakō University), Yoshimoto Mitsuhiro (Waseda University).

For this third and last workshop, Kimura Saeko will join us and discuss her new book 『震災後文学論ー新しい日本文学のために』(The discourse of literature after the earthquake - for a new Japanese literature).

Friday, December 13th, 2013 at 6:30pm
The University of Tokyo, Komaba / Bld. 18 / Collaboration Room 4

From Sono Shion's 2012 movie The Country of Hope to recent novellas by Tawada Yōko and Kawakami Hiromi, a series of fictional works have explored the possibility of life after Fukushima in terms of a tension between a global movement of contamination across borders and a longing for an untainted natural space. To conclude this third and last workshop on Fukushima Japan, urban space and the planetary, we will thus address recent debates on ecology, melancholy ethics, and healing narratives to define the planetary as an everyday creative practice, a process of fictionalization that opposes the movement of ambient atmospheres and land masses to the necropolitics of the state. With the recent vote of the Japanese secrecy law, it becomes all the more important to think the relation between Fukushima and the planetary, and to ask ourselves how to practice the planetary and define a position of critique that avoids the capture by national logics of spatial containment and control of information.

English and Japanese⎜Free Admission ⎜No Registration Required
Organized by Christophe Thouny   email: ct843 at nyu.edu

The workshop is open to the public. While each participant will make a short presentation and lead the ensuing discussion between the invited scholars, participation from the audience is welcomed.

Best regards,

Christophe Thouny

	Christophe Thouny, PhD
	University of Tokyo 
        Global Communication Research Center
	tel : 080-3366-9018
	email : ct843 at nyu.edu

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