[KineJapan] Media culture lecture by Erkki Huhtamo at Waseda 12/17

Eija Niskanen eija at helsinkicineaasia.fi
Sun Dec 8 02:39:11 EST 2013

A public lecture by Prof. Erkki Huhtamo at Waseda Unviersity, Tokyo,
Tues. Dec. 17, 2013, 6-8pm at Toyama Campus Bldg 36, 2F.

"Visual Culture in the Era of Social Media:Media Archaeological

The lecture will discuss how images propagate in the era of social media
from media archaeological aspects, focusing on the "image" of cloud
computing. Lecture in English, with translation in Japanese.
Commission free, booking not needed.

[image: Photo: A public lecture by Prof. Erkki Huhtamo at Waseda
Unviersity, Tokyo, Tues. Dec. 17, 2013, 6-8pm at Toyama Campus Bldg 36, 2F.
"Visual Culture in the Era of Social Media:Media Archaeological
Perspectives" The lecture will discuss how images propagate in the era of
social media from media archaeological aspects, focusing on the "image" of
cloud computing. Lecture in English, with translation in Japanese.
Commission free, booking not needed.
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