[KineJapan] "REED: The Life and Works of Roy Kiyooka"

Marty Gross marty at martygrossfilms.com
Tue May 21 13:06:46 EDT 2013

Hi Michael,

Hope this goes well. Rather liked the film. Just back from Tokyo myself where I was swamped by work for NHK - 



On May 20, 2013, at 8:33 PM, Michael Goldberg wrote:

> "REED: The Life and Works of Roy Kiyooka"
> SCREENING at the Canadian Embassy, Tokyo
> 4 pm Friday, June 7
> Roy Kiyooka was a Nissei Canadian artist and free spirit whose laugh blew me over when I first was in his presence. This revealing documentary could only be made by someone close to Roy, a challenge taken up by his filmmaker (and dancer) daughter Fumiko.
> Comments from people who knew Roy well:
> I found it very moving and personal and direct. What I liked most I suppose the ‘you’, as daughter, in it, and your responses to him as a father. We see a very real Roy that many of us did not know. We only saw parts of him. And here there is the range of friendships and relationships as well as the range of his art.
> Michael Ondaatje
> certainly i’ve been thinking about your dad since seeing it. the complexity of his life. the many facets of it. it felt to me like your magnum opus. what i’m reminded of is something your dad said, about honouring the family tree and the topmost branches – or something like that. so i thought of the straight line that gerry shikatani mentioned, demonstrating it with his hands together – the straight line down through him and through you, your face coming clear through the ice. it all felt powerful to me. the power of the connection that does not let us go.
> Joy Kogawa
> The presentation is free of charge. The Embassy needs to know how many will attend, so please write me ASAP if you think you might join us. Kindly share this invitation.
> Michael Goldberg
> ivw2 at yahoo.com
> <roykiyookaposter62.jpg><Roy Kenzie Kiyooka s.jpg><Fumiko Kiyooka.png>_______________________________________________
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Marty Gross
Marty Gross Film Productions Inc.
637 Davenport Road
Toronto, ON M5R 1L3
marty at martygrossfilms.com

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