[KineJapan] Ishii Yuya's new film sneak preview at FCCJ

Eija Niskanen eija at helsinkicineaasia.fi
Sat Apr 26 06:44:10 EDT 2014

Dear KineJapanners,

The Foreign Correspondents' Club in Yurakucho is screening Ishii Yuya's new
film, "Our Family" (Bokutachi no Kazoku) on Tues., May 13. Ishii will be
there along with his two stars, Satoshi Tsumabuki and Sosuke Ikematsu. You
may have seen the Variety review, which compares it favorably to "Tokyo
Sonata" and praises the director's "new compassion and gravitas."

Since FCCJ is a private club, you must reserve your seats through Karen
Severns: kjs30 at gol.com.


*Tuesday, May 13, 7 pm*

*OUR FAMILY (Bokutachi no Kazoku)*

Followed by a Q&A with director Yuya Ishii, stars Satoshi Tsumabuki and

Sosuke Ikematsu

Japan, 2014  117 minutes  In Japanese with English subtitles

For more on the film: http://bokutachi-kazoku.com/
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