[KineJapan] Oh Deok-soo

Gerow Aaron aaron.gerow at yale.edu
Sun Dec 13 22:48:00 EST 2015

Oshima had another famous zainichi assistant: the director Sai Yoichi, who was AD on In the Realm of the Senses. Sai-san later appears as Kondo Isami in Oshima’s Gohatto.

Aaron Gerow

> 2015/12/13 午後9:08、Nohchool Park <onlypark at hotmail.com> のメール:
> Thanks for your posting about the director Oh Deok-soo. 
> I just saw this Korean name and got surprised to learn that Oshima Nagisa worked with a Korean assistant. 
> Recently, I had searched Amazon.com <http://amazon.com/> to find Oshima's Forgotten Imperial Army (Wasurerareta Kogun, 1963) but to no avail. 
> From the obituary I feel more assured that the director had maintained strong ties with Koreans, emotionally and artistically. 
> Nohchool Park
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