[KineJapan] 2015 Boxoffice

Jasper Sharp jasper_sharp at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 17 15:43:36 EST 2016

Thanks for posting Markus.This is an extension of a broader interest of mine, about how local economics shape production and exhibition practices.I actually wrote this before the BFI released its own UK statistics for 2015, which bizarrely claimed the new Star Wars film as "British". But also, I would really love to pursue this kind of research further, on how newly built or newly refurbished flagship individual venues completely change the cinematic landscape and represent a definitive rupture in film history. In London in 2014, a swathe of independent exhibition venues closed down, while in 2015 there were a number of quite significant destination venues opened up. It looks like a similar pattern in Japan, all due to the digitial revolution/transition/switchover, but the economics with regards to attracting audiences are very different. I know academics in the UK have very little interest in looking at this area from an international standpoint, but I think it's fascinating, and would really welcome any feedback on this - after all, Kinejapan has been a little quiet of late compared with the kind of discussions we used to have about ten years ago.

The 8th Asia House Film Festival will take place from 22 February to 5 March 2016, with a line-up that includes 11 feature films, three documentaries and five short films coming from countries including Japan, China, Kazakhstan, Myanmar and Afghanistan.

The Creeping Garden - A Real-Life Science-Fiction Story about Slime Moulds and the People Who Work With them, directed by Tim Grabham and Jasper Sharp. 

The book, The Creeping Garden: Irrational Encounters with Plasmodial Slime Moulds out now from Alchimia Publishing.
“An improbably delightful documentary about slime molds.... good-humored but not campy in its regard of some genuinely fascinating research, and full of trippy visuals", Dennis Harvey, Variety
"A surprising investigation of perception, thought and life itself", Nicholas Rapold, The New York Times

> From: amnornes at umich.edu
> Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 15:28:18 -0500
> To: kinejapan at lists.service.ohio-state.edu
> Subject: [KineJapan] 2015 Boxoffice
> Jasper's excellent analysis of the new Boxoffice figures released by Eiren. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__blog.alltheanime.com_japan-2Dbox-2Doffice-2Dreport-2D2015_&d=CwIF-g&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=e7qMG9KFq7WNnPQWULWHJA&m=_39Q_DKzHxPAaElIOkd3BMDF2EErBeqgOf-2tvYr3GA&s=tHlyQ3mFoDw0OmUieYlAo1pPdtGVIgB25XPp5sDMV1c&e= 
> Markus
> Sent from my iPhone
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