[KineJapan] French-Japanese Silent Films Symposium in Nichifutsu kaikan

Mathieu Capel mathieucapel at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 21:55:19 EST 2018

dear Kinejapaners,

May I draw your attention on a symposium we are hosting next weekend in
Ebisu Nichifutsukaikan/Maison franco-japonaise (not Institut français in
Iidabashi) ?

The main topic of this event is a examination of French and Japanese silent
films in the 1910's (1908-1919 if we're accurate), as transitional yet
definitory years for cinema, as it evolved from its primitive forms towards
what was then to be understood as classical cinema.
Speakers from France will be Laurent Véray, Carole Aurouet and Beatrice de
Pastre : from Japan, Komatsu Hiroshi, Shibata Kôtarô and Okubo Ryô, with
simultaneous translation.
On saturday night, the symposium will be followed by some kind of world
premiere, as we will have a screening of French films rare and unseen,
shown in the conditions of a screening in France back in the 1910's (at
least, in the closest possible way...), with what used to be called a
"bonimenteur", impersonated by French actor Didier Dabrowski... but these
films will also be told by a Japanese benshi, whom many of you might know,
Kataoka Ichirô (Kozaki Eri will play the piano).
On the first day (friday), filmmaker Yoshida Kijû will come and talk about
his 1995 film 夢のシネマ 東京の夢, about Lumiere camera operator Gabriel Veyre, who
was the first to visit Japan alongside François-Constant Girel.
Both screenings and the symposium are free of charge, but you are welcome
to subscribe on MFJ website :

Hoping to see you there on friday and saturday,

Mathieu Capel
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