[Kinejapan] Welcome to KineJapan via Yale
Gerow Aaron
aaron.gerow at yale.edu
Fri Jun 1 00:08:54 EDT 2018
Hello everyone and welcome to the “new” KineJapan! From now on, KineJapan mail will be distributed by a server at Yale.
This is a TEST mail to confirm that the server is working.
For those of you who have configured your mail software so that KineJapan mails are sent to a set folder, you might need to change the settings since mail will now be sent from a different server.
Also, do remember you now need to send mail to a different address if you want to post to the list. Posts sent to the old server will not be distributed to the list.
There might be a few kinks the first few days, so please be patient. I am in Seoul right now, and will try to address any issues that come up if and when I can.
If you didn’t get this mail, well then….
(But I have sent a last warning via the old server.)
Happy discussions!
Aaron Gerow
KineJapan co-owner
Yale University
Here is a reminder about the KineJapan list:
You have subscribed to KineJapan, the internet's only discussion list devoted to the study of Japanese film and moving image media. KineJapan is one of the projects organized by Kinema Club, a website created by scholars and researchers who saw the need to use the internet to spread information and further discussion about Japanese cinema. Anyone interested in Japanese moving image media, from scholars to film fans, is welcome to join KineJapan and participate in our talks. Anything related to Japanese image media is open to discussion: modes such as feature film, television, magic lanterns, anime, documentary, and experimental film and video; the relationship between Japanese film and other arts or other national cinemas; as well as the social, economic, and historical factors that are deeply intertwined with these media. (For those only interested in discussing anime, however, we remind you that there are already lists devoted to that.) We also encourage the posting of announcements about new films, conferences, publications, film festivals, and other events relating to Japanese image media that might be of interest to our subscribers.
KineJapan is a world-wide discussion group, with members from countries all over the globe. While most of the discussion will be in English, we welcome postings by subscribers in their native tongue (although those sending such posts should be aware that not all subscribers can read or even receive such messages given their language skills or their computer system software). Given that this is a discussion group devoted to Japan, we in particular encourage Japanese subscribers to post in Japanese if that is what feels most comfortable. Not everyone can receive messages in Japanese, but many of the members are capable of communicating in that language.
With the list being a part of Kinema Club, we conceive of KineJapan as an extension of our open community of scholars and all of its subscribers as fellow researchers devoted to the study of Japanese film. In order to facilitate communication within that community, we ask all subscribers to introduce themselves to the list upon joining.
KineJapan is an UNMODERATED list. That means there is no one who checks posts before they are distributed to all the subscribers; what you write is sent as is to everyone else. In addition, only those subscribing can post messages to the list. It was decided to make KineJapan unmoderated both to save the list owners from the burden of moderating and to facilitate more open, spontaneous and real-time discussions. That means, however, it is up to each and every subscriber to moderate themselves and maintain a few basic rules of etiquette. We wholly encourage frank, critical, and thorough discussions of any topic related to Japanese moving image media, but in the interests of our community of scholars, we hope everyone will remain civil and refrain from posts that bother other members or undermine the mission of the list.
1. Messages can criticize the content and ideas presented in other postings, but should never go beyond that to attack, defame, or otherwise injure the personal character or status of other subscribers. That is, keep discussions to the issues and don't deviate towards personal attacks.
2. Messages should be related to the general topic of the list: Japanese moving image media. We would like to keep the definition broad, but posts totally unrelated to that topic are unwelcome.
3. We welcome announcements about new publications and films, but ask subscribers to refrain from using the list as merely a means of advertising their personal products. Also, all posts soliciting money, offering investment deals, or selling anything unrelated to Japanese film are unwanted. Posts selling anything pornographic are also discouraged. For security and other concerns, members should also avoid putting attachments on mail sent to the list; if you want to direct people to information, either put it in the mail itself or include a URL.
4. Posts should respect the privacy of individuals. Giving out phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. that are already public is OK, but please refrain from giving out such information if the individual has not publicized it.
5. Anyone who continues to violate the above rules, even after being warned by the owners, will be expelled from the list.
More information about the KineJapan
mailing list