[KineJapan] Looking for people working on morning dramas (asadora)

Japanese Cinema Discussion Forum via KineJapan kinejapan at lists.osu.edu
Tue Mar 20 10:37:10 EDT 2018

Dear KineJapan members,

me and my colleague Timo Thelen (both from Dusseldorf University, Germany)
are currently doing research on Japanese morning dramas (asadora).
One of our articles has recently been published by Japan Forum; we still
have some free eprints left, in case you are interested:

We are working together with some other scholars, but are still looking for
people who are interested in the series format of asadora. Our impression
is that the circle of people doing research on asadora is rather small, in
spite of the still rather high audience ratings these dramas get.

So if you are doing research in this field (or are planning to do so), we
would be very happy to get in contact!

Best wishes from Germany,

Dr. Elisabeth Scherer
Institut für Modernes Japan
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf

Tel. 0211-81-14354
scherer at phil.hhu.de
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