[KineJapan] Legacies of Leftism in Film and Media Theory: East Asia and Beyond, 2/28-3/2

Takuya Tsunoda tt2101 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 09:08:51 EST 2019

Dear KineJapaners,

Jane Gaines, a Professor of film at Columbia School of the Arts, along with
the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALAC) at Columbia,
is organizing a conference titled "Legacies of Leftism in Film and Media
Theory: East Asia and Beyond” on 2/28 (Thursday) through 3/2 (Saturday) at
Columbia University in NYC. Please see the conference announcement and
schedule below.


I apologize that it took us a while to finalize the details of the event
and could not make an announcement on KineJapan sooner, but several
KineJapaners as well as scholars on East Asian cinema and media are
participating, and we truly hope those based in the area or those who could
schedule a trip to NY can make it to the conference. Please let me know if
you have any questions or concerns about the event. We very much look
forward to seeing you all.


— —
Takuya Tsunoda
Assistant Professor of Japanese Film and Media
Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Columbia University
416 Kent Hall
New York, NY 10027
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