[KineJapan] Legacies of Leftism in Film and Media Theory: East Asia and Beyond, 2/28-3/2

William C. Thompson wct1 at columbia.edu
Tue Feb 12 10:26:32 EST 2019

Sounds quite interesting, Takuya.  Just to add to Takuya's posting:  There
are two screenings for this event, and they require advance reservations:

Selected reels of  Akira Iwasaki's *Effects of the Atomic Bomb *along with
a talk by Markus Nornes on Friday evening, March 1, 7:30 pn
RSVP here:

and Wang Yuanlong's silent Chinese film *Under the Heel *with live musical
accompaniment on Saturday evening, March 2, 7:30 pm:
register here:

Bill Thompson

On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 9:09 AM Takuya Tsunoda via KineJapan <
kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:

> Dear KineJapaners,
> Jane Gaines, a Professor of film at Columbia School of the Arts, along
> with the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALAC) at
> Columbia, is organizing a conference titled "Legacies of Leftism in Film
> and Media Theory: East Asia and Beyond” on 2/28 (Thursday) through 3/2
> (Saturday) at Columbia University in NYC. Please see the conference
> announcement and schedule below.
> http://heymancenter.org/events/legacies-of-leftism-in-film-and-media-theory-east-asia-and-beyond/?utm_source=Weekly+Events+Email+2%2F7%2F19&utm_campaign=Feb+7+Events+Blast&utm_medium=email
> I apologize that it took us a while to finalize the details of the event
> and could not make an announcement on KineJapan sooner, but several
> KineJapaners as well as scholars on East Asian cinema and media are
> participating, and we truly hope those based in the area or those who could
> schedule a trip to NY can make it to the conference. Please let me know if
> you have any questions or concerns about the event. We very much look
> forward to seeing you all.
> Sincerely,
> Takuya
> — —
> Takuya Tsunoda
> Assistant Professor of Japanese Film and Media
> Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
> Columbia University
> 416 Kent Hall
> New York, NY 10027
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