[KineJapan] Tokkan Kozo/Toy Film Museum 9.5mm print

matteo boscarol matteo.boscarol at gmail.com
Sun Jul 14 08:14:39 EDT 2019

Thank you for the information Joanne.
Le Cinéma Club is a small jewel of a site, I think it’s still possible to watch Hamaguchi Ryūsuke’s short Heaven is Still Far Away.
I visited the Toy Cinema Museum a couple of weeks ago, a really lovely place, if you’re in Kyoto, it’s worth a visit. 
p.s. They were kind enough to screen Tokkan Kozō just for me. 


Matteo Boscarol
ボスカロル マッテオ
- Documentary in Japan and Asia
- Film writer for Il Manifesto

> On Jul 13, 2019, at 6:55, Bernardi, Joanne via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> You might already be familiar with a 9.5mm reduction print "home cinema" version of Ozu Yasujiro’s Tokkan Kozo (sometimes translated as “A Straightforward Boy, 1929), transferred to 35mm by the NFAJ and  available on YouTube (it was also screened at the Pordenone Silent Film Festival in 2001). A slightly longer version (also 9.5mm home cinema version) was donated to Ota Yoneo's Toy Cinema Museum (Omocha eiga myujiamu) a few years ago, and it was digitally scanned by IMAGICA WEST, Corp. We made a DCP of this scan here at the University of Rochester Digital Scholarship Lab, and this DCP was screened at  Pordenone last October (2018). From July 19-25, this version will be available to watch online for free at the curated site, Le Cinéma Club. (For more on their recently re-launched platform check this Indiewire article.) You can read a bit about the original theatrical release and this shorter version in the Pordenone catalogue, here.
> In making the DCP, DSL worked to improve image stability and sharpness, initially using a deep-learning application to double the resolution of each individual frame of IMAGICA’s standard definition transfer to increase resolution for the HD (2K) DCP, with final touches (subtitles, stabilization, speed) in DaVinci Resolve.
> Just a heads up - it’s a fun way to spend 15-20 min. 
> best,
> Joanne
> Joanne Bernardi, Ph.D.
> Professor
> Japanese Studies | Film and Media Studies
> 409 Lattimore Hall
> Dept. of Modern Languages and Cultures
> University of Rochester | PO Box 270082
> Rochester NY 14627
> Tel. (585) 275-4251 (MLC Dept.) 
> Re-Envisioning Japan as Destination in 20th Century 
> Visual and Material Culture 
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