[KineJapan] Fw: Sheffield Doc/Fest programme announcement, 2019, including a New/Japan focus

Roger Macy macyroger at yahoo.co.uk
Thu May 9 07:23:34 EDT 2019

 Hi,Sheffield Docfest this year has a 'New/Japan focus'. I'll paste below the relevant part of the press release. I'm not sure whether Markus and Kazuhiro Soda would have chosen to put their Michigan film under that, but there it is. As I write, the schedule looks like a work-in-progress. I would expect many of the films to have two slots.Roger

Sheffield Doc/Fest 2019 country focus strand, New/Japan, supported by DaiwaFoundation and Sasakawa Foundation showcases a new wave of stories and images from Japanese filmmakers,from the intimate and familial lens to the abstract and subversive. Inartist-filmmaker Makino Takashi’spractice the abstract is drawn out of the real through the layering of images,flickers of light and the perpetual movement of dots and grains, as shown in MementoStella (UK premiere), which combines up to 200 layers at anyone time, redefining screen space and feels deeper the closer audiences focustheir eyes. Shot by Kazuhiro Soda, MarkusNornes and Terri Sarris against the backdrop of the 2016 election and the riseof Donald Trump, The Big House (UK premiere) presents a microcosm of America atthis Michigan stadium, by showing everything but the game. In Norie(UK premiere) artist-filmmaker YukiKawamura embarks on a road-trip with his father to talk to the people whoknew his late mother. Science fiction and desire collide when an Americanresearcher meets a Japanese translator in A Tiny Place Is Hard to Touch (UKpremiere) directed by artist-filmmaker Shelly Silver.


Other shorts in New/Japan are: Chiemi Shimada’s Chiyo (World premiere),warm and sensuous 16mm portrait of her grandmother, Chiyo, sharing dreams andreality from her home in the Japanese suburbs; Rei Hayama’s The Pearl of Tailorbird (Worldpremiere), originally a multi sound and visual installation, these short-formvideos are anchored by a haunting soundscape in which Hayama imitates thespeech of various local birds in her own voice; Mountain Plain Mountain (UKpremiere), a behind-the-scenes observation of Ban’ei, a rare kind of drafthorse race that takes place only in Obihiro, Japan, directed by Yu Araki andDaniel Jacoby. 

   ----- Forwarded message ----- From: Sarah Harvey <sarah at sarahharveypublicity.co.uk>To: Sarah Harvey <sarah at sarahharveypublicity.co.uk>Cc: Oli Gots <oli at sarahharveypublicity.co.uk>; Ania Ostrowska <ania at sarahharveypublicity.co.uk>Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2019, 10:20:09 BSTSubject: Sheffield Doc/Fest programme announcement, 2019, including a New/Japan focus
Hello from the Sheffield Doc/Fest press office
We’re attaching here the press release announcing the 2019 programme of Sheffield Doc/Fest which takes place 6-11 June, which this year includes a New/Japan focus.
Please feel free to talk about the line-up across your social media platforms using @sheffdocfest | #sheffdocfest - as well as your writing and reporting outlets. You will find image links at the end of the release and a link to the trailer at the top.
If you haven’t already applied for accreditation you can do that here: https://sheffdocfest.com/articles/684-press-accreditation-registration-now-open
Please let be in touch with us (Oli and Ania cc’d in this email) with any queries.
We look forward to seeing you at Doc/Fest
all best wishesSarah, Oli, Ania

Sarah HarveySarah Harvey Publicity
t: +44 (0) 207 732 7790m: +44 (0) 7958 597426
e: sarah at sarahharveypublicity.co.uk
tw: @SarahHarveyPR
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