[KineJapan] Grad Students of Kinema Club now on Facebook

Yuki Nakayama yknkym at umich.edu
Mon Nov 4 20:16:29 EST 2019

Dear Kinema Club members,

At the recent Kinema Club XIX, some of the grad student participants had a
discussion about thinking of ways to stay in touch and the possibility for
grad students to collectively plan things (be it social gatherings or our
own KC conference). So we created a group on facebook as "Grad Students of
Kinema Club." Please tell grad students to join the group. if you have
difficulty finding the group please message me directly.

We understand that not everyone is on facebook so there will be a
conversation about whether we want to stay on fb or if there are other /
better options out there. if you have suggestions, we greatly appreciate

for now the group is private, to ensure the safety of grad students members
and we hope the group will be a space for collective thinking and action.


Yuki Nakayama
Ph.D. Candidate
University of Michigan
Film, Television, and Media
yknkym at umich.edu
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