[KineJapan] New Hara Kazuo film

John Junkerman jtj53213 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 22:57:28 EDT 2019

I don't think Hara's film was ready in time for Yamagata, since the
election happened in July after YIDFF had made its selections.

See you in Yamagata, Marcus.


On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 11:40 AM matteo boscarol via KineJapan <
kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:

> It’s indeed interesting that the new work by Hara is screened at the TIFF
> and not in Yamagata. Maybe a bigger general international audience? On a
> side note, this autumn/winter The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On is
> going to be released on Blu-ray by Second Run.
> Regards
> Matteo Boscarol
> ボスカロル マッテオ
> 記憶ただ陽炎のゆらめき
> - Documentary in Japan and Asia
> http://storiadocgiappone.wordpress.com
> - Film writer for Il Manifesto
> http://ilmanifesto.it
> On Oct 4, 2019, at 9:59, Rob Schwartz via KineJapan <
> kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:
> Roger-
> P&I screenings usually happen the first 5 days of TIFF and usually start
> from mid morning and go all day.
> If you have press accreditation you can log on to the press area of the
> website and reserve a seat at the screening you want to see, if available.
> They used to open reservations 3 days before the screening (at midnight)
> but they may have changed. There are 2-3  theaters where the P&I screenings
> usually take place in Roppongi Hills Toho theater complex and the specific
> one will be listed when you reserve a seat.
> Rob Schwartz
> *+81-90-6541-8895*
> Wechat/Whatsapp/KakaoTalk/Line/Viber:
> gangamati
> On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 4:26 AM Markus Nornes via KineJapan <
> kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Roger.
>> That long!?!?  Too bad.....
>> TIFF has dedicated screenings for press. Contact their press office and
>> they'll send an application.
>> Markus
>> ---
>> *Markus Nornes*
>> *Professor of Asian Cinema*
>> Department of Film, Television and Media, Department of Asian Languages
>> and Cultures, Penny Stamps School of Art & Design
>> *Department of Film, Television and Media*
>> *6348 North Quad*
>> *105 S. State Street*
>> *Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285*
>> On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 12:55 PM Roger Macy via KineJapan <
>> kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:
>>> Thanks for this, Markus.
>>> The TIFF schedule is now posted
>>> https://2019.tiff-jp.net/en/schedule/list/day02
>>> which tells us that 'Reiwa Uprising' is 270 minutes long, and has one
>>> screening starting at midnight.
>>> Can someone tell me/us how TIFF works for accredited professionals?  The
>>> 'press' page mentions P&I screenings. Do they tend to be in the mornings a
>>> couple of days before, or some other scheme ?   Is there a viewing room ?
>>> Roger
>>> On Sunday, 29 September 2019, 02:20:05 BST, Markus Nornes via KineJapan <
>>> kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:
>>> Tokyo Film Festival announced their schedule and a notable film is a new
>>> work by Hara Kazuo. It's called Reiwa Uprising (れいわ一揆), a title that evokes
>>> one of Tsuchimoto's films. It's about the new political party Reiwa
>>> Shinsengumi. I've always found Japanese elections depressingly dull, but
>>> this past one had me riveted to Youtube thanks to Yamamoto Taro. He started
>>> his career as a tarento, and also acted in movies (notably Battle Royale,
>>> Izo and Princess Raccoon). But he ran as an independent for the Diet after
>>> 3/11 and became a politician who spoke his mind and was openly critical of
>>> status quo politics. He notoriously passed a letter complaining about the
>>> handling of Fukushima to the emperor some years back. This year he
>>> established this new party and I have to say it was impressive.
>>> First of all, Yamamoto know how to give good speech. If you've never
>>> seen him, check this out (especially the halfway point):
>>> https://youtu.be/V6jbn9Ye670
>>> His party put up an amazing lineup for election this year. It included
>>> an Okinawan, two people with disabilities, a cross-dressing professor from
>>> Tokyo University who sometimes campaigned with a horse, and an obasan that
>>> was better at public speaking than Yamamoto.
>>> One of the impressive things about the party, from my admitted limited
>>> understanding, was that Yamamoto shifted his representation from the city
>>> of Tokyo to the national proportion representational block, this
>>> fascinating open system where people all over the country can vote for a
>>> party. This was a big gamble. Moreover, the party gives a ranked list and
>>> although they expected to pick up at least two seats Yamamoto put himself
>>> 3rd....behind the two disabled politicians. Who won, and he came up short.
>>> Both are quite severely disabled, one in the advanced stages of ALS. Seeing
>>> them win was really moving.
>>> Hara seems to have centered his new film on the professor, Yasutomi
>>> Ayumi, who is transgender and on the Todai website lists her research
>>> subject as "Decolonization of the soul." She also campaigned with a horse
>>> and a Thriller flash mob. I recall watching this Youtube video, where she
>>> has a backup band and one of the zombies is carrying a baby:
>>> https://youtu.be/ett8o0u1fdI
>>> It's hardly surprising Hara chose Yasutomi and not Yamamoto. Judging
>>> from his asbestos film, he really doesn't know how to deal with people who
>>> aren't edgy.  This could be really interesting. Here's the trailer:
>>> https://youtu.be/_b-Wieqk6Gk
>>> Back in the summer, Hara did some live streaming documentary on election
>>> night. I only heard about it afterwards, so if anyone saw it I'd love to
>>> hear what was it was like.
>>> Mori Tatsuya also has a new film at TIFF. In recent years, Mori has been
>>> concentrating on his writing and not filmmaking. I think he identifies more
>>> strongly with critical journalism than documentary. And this helps explain
>>> his film's subject, journalist Mochizuki Isoko:
>>> https://youtu.be/YQGF8y1TiA8
>>> I look forward to this as well.
>>> I sure do with these were at Yamagata and not TIFF. I'm wondering what
>>> this means......
>>> That said, the Japanese entry in the Yamagata main competition is a film
>>> I am really looking forward to and I'm impressed by its selection: Makino
>>> Takashi's Memento Stella.
>>> https://www.yidff.jp/2019/ic/19ic08-e.html
>>> I'll be in Yamagata. Hope to see some of you at Komian!
>>> Markus
>>> ---
>>> *Markus Nornes*
>>> *Professor of Asian Cinema*
>>> Department of Film, Television and Media, Department of Asian Languages
>>> and Cultures, Penny Stamps School of Art & Design
>>> *Department of Film, Television and Media*
>>> *6348 North Quad*
>>> *105 S. State Street*
>>> *Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285*
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John Junkerman
jtj53213 at gmail.com
2-18-6 Ehara-cho, Nakano
Tokyo 165-0023
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