[KineJapan] Crowdfunding drive for Park Soonam's Testimony Films

shota ogawa sogawa at nagoya-u.jp
Mon Sep 16 20:18:54 EDT 2019

Hello KineJapaners

Zainichi Korean documentarist Park Soonam (朴寿南) has started an ambitious
crowdfunding campaign to preserve the negatives and sound recordings that
didn't make it in her testimony films

-* The Other Hiroshima: Korean A-bomb Victims Tell Their Story* 1987 (YIDFF
- *- Song of Arirang: Voices from Okinawa* 1991 (YIDFF etc.)
- *Nuchigafu: Life is a Treasure *2012 (YIDFF)
- *Silence *2017 (DMZ etc.)

I think the importance of preserving "outtakes" of testimony films, not
only for historians but specifically for film scholars, has been amply
demonstrated in Jennifer Casenave's recent book *An Archive of Catastrophe*
<https://www.sunypress.edu/p-6726-an-archive-of-the-catastrophe.aspx> on
Claude Lanzmann's "outtakes" (over 200 hours recorded for *Shoah*)preserved
at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

While Park Soonam might be better known, at least for the baby boomer
generation, as the author of 『罪と死と愛と』that Nagisa Oshima's *Death by Hanging
*heavily cited from (or as the model for "Sister" in the film), I think she
is finally starting to receive the scholarly recognition she deserves
lately thanks to her collaboration with South Korean filmmakers, and her
very active and defiant campaign of continuing to screen her films on
"comfort women" survivors throughout the ongoing Aichi Triennial

The film and audio tape have been housed at Yasui Yoshio's Kobe Planet Film
Archive, and Yasui is involved in overseeing the preservation effort.
The project is run by Park Maeui, the filmmaker's daughter and producer of
the recent two films. Park Maeui has recently completed an East Coast
tour to screen *Silence*.

Too bad the crowd-funding website only has Japanese.
Anyways, please circulate to anyone who might be interested in the project.


Shota Ogawa, Ph.D.
Graduate School of Letters
Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku
Nagoya 464-8601

〒464-0814 愛知県名古屋市千種区不老町1
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