Roger Macy macyroger at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Apr 4 04:59:29 EDT 2020

Hi, Alastair,

You don’t mention whether he’s found anythingyet, so I can give a few basic leads. I’m sure he’s already looked up the entryin Alex’s A Critical Handbook of Japanese Film Directors.

Donald Richie’s , 1987, Different Peoplementions Obayashi in the chapter on ’Oshima’;

Paul Roquet, 2010, has a whole essay on him, ‘Unhinged Desire (At homewith Obayashi)’, essay in Master of Cinema booklet in the House DVD , developedfrom his ‘Nobuhiko Obayashi, Vagabond of Time’, 2009 at MidnightEye

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Midnight Eye feature: Nobuhiko Obayashi, Vagabond of Time

In Japan, he is the director of such perennial favorites as House and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. In the re...



Obayashi’s films have also been frequent at festivals, such as NipponConnection, whose catalogues are generally online. In particular, Mark Schillingmentions Obayashi in the FEFF publications, Beyond Godzilla: Alternative Futures and Fantasies in Japanese Cinema, 2016,and also at Asia Sings! A Survey of Asian Musical Films, GARCIA,Roger, ed., 2006, p131. They’re printed books which I couldlook at, if he needs it.

Jorg also referred to Riyū, 2004, on KineJapan on 1st March 2017.




    On Saturday, 4 April 2020, 08:19:06 BST, Phillips, Alastair via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:  
  Hello everyone,
I have a Masters student writing his dissertation on Obayashi Nobuhiko. 
As you know, we are in total lockdown in the UK and so I was wondering in the first place if anyone knows of any accessible online English language resources or then, for a future date, any accessible print resources.
Any help appreciated!
All best wishes,

Professor Alastair Phillips

Department of Film and Television Studies
Millburn House
University of Warwick

T: 02476 522434
E: Alastair.Phillips at warwick.ac.uk
W: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/film/staff/phillips/
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