[KineJapan] Dialectics without Synthesis

Thomas Ball t112x at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 8 19:31:19 EDT 2020

 Thank you so much!Looking forward,Thomas

    On Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 7:07:33 PM EDT, Naoki Yamamoto via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:  
 Dear Thomas,
Thanks for your interest! Attached below is an invitation to my talk. You have to have a Zoom account to join, but I hope it shouldn’t be a big burden under this pandemic moment. 
Look forward to seeing you there!
----Dear Colleagues, 

We hope everybody has had a great start of the new academic year. 
We are excited to announce that our new Modern Japanese Culture Webinar series will begin on September 18 at 5 PM EST with an inaugural talk by Naoki Yamamoto (Assistant Professor, Film and Media Studies, UC Santa Barbara). 

Naoki will give a presentation on his newly released book Dialectics without Synthesis: Japanese Film Theory and Realism in a Global Frame. As the book blurb informs us, "Dialectics without Synthesis explores Japan’s active but previously unrecognized participation in the global circulation of film theory during the first half of the twentieth century. Examining a variety of Japanese theorists working in the fields of film, literature, avant-garde art, Marxism, and philosophy, Naoki Yamamoto offers a new approach to cinematic realism as culturally conditioned articulations of the shifting relationship of film to the experience of modernity. In this study, long-held oppositions between realism and modernism, universalism and particularism, and most notably, the West and the non-West are challenged through a radical reconfiguration of the geopolitics of knowledge production and consumption." 

The talk will 45-minute long and will be followed by a 30-minute Q&A time. Those of you who would like to continue to discussion are invited to stay connected for another 30 minutes of informal conversation with the author. 

Here is the Zoom Meeting ID: 

Topic: Modern Japanese Culture Webinar
Time: Sep 18, 2020 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 952 9433 5035
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Meeting ID: 952 9433 5035

We hope to see all of you there. 


Luciana Sanga
Wakako Suzuki
David Boyd

On Sep 8, 2020, at 1:51 PM, Thomas Ball via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:
 Naoki-   I would like to participate in your book talk on the 18th.Thank you!Thomas Ball

    On Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 4:29:23 PM EDT, Naoki Yamamoto via KineJapan <kinejapan at mailman.yale.edu> wrote:  
 Dear KineJapaners,
I’m happy to announce that my new book, Dialectics without Synthesis: Japanese Film Theory and Realism in a Global Frame, is now available. This is a product of many unexpected, but no less stimulating, trans-Pacific encounters I was lucky to have during the past years. Kudos go first to my great teachers at Meiji Gakuin and Yale, as well as to many of my colleagues on this list. 
You can read the book’s Introduction at the UC Press's website (click “Google Preview”). You can also get a 30% discount if you use the code “17M6662” at checkout!
In addition, I’ll give an online book talk on Friday, September 18, 5PM EST, as part of the Modern Japanese Culture Webinar Series organized by Luciana Sanga of Northwestern University. You are welcome to join this event, but please contact me offline if you are interested in attending. I’ll send you an individual invitation. 
All the best,Naoki
Naoki Yamamoto
Assistant Professor
Film and Media Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
yamamoto at filmandmedia.ucsb.edu
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