[KineJapan] Fwd: NTU is hiring a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Film Studies!

Markus Nornes nornes at umich.edu
Tue Jul 13 08:43:24 EDT 2021

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lee Sang Joon (Asst Prof) <leesj at ntu.edu.sg>
Date: Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 3:31 AM
Subject: NTU is hiring a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Film Studies!


Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (WKWSCI) at NTU
Singapore invites qualified academics to apply for a tenure-track faculty
position as *Assistant Professor in Film Studies*.

We are seeking a first-class film studies scholar and faculty member to
join an internationally acclaimed faculty renowned for their expertise in
Asian cinemas and other area film studies.
Candidates should have published widely and taught or are capable of
teaching film modules conveying knowledge of theory, production, history,
aesthetics, industry, and society. Applicants who can teach a wide range of
subjects in film studies (e.g., Asian cinema, animation, and film theory)
are of particular interest.

The successful candidate should possess a PhD degree in an academic area of
film studies and show a successful publication record and some teaching
experience. He or she will follow tenure track expectations of conducting
solid research into their specific expertise of film studies, and to meet
expectations in teaching and service, including supervisions and mentoring
of students in Final Year Projects and/or post-graduate theses. The
candidate should fit into the teamwork ethos of the school’s Department of
Multimedia Storytelling and the interdisciplinary atmosphere within the
School of Communication and Information as well as the College of Arts,
Humanities, and Social Sciences of which the school is a part.

The closing date for applications is *30 August 2021*. Applicants are
invited to submit their documents [cover letter which indicates research
and teaching statements, CV, writing sample (not exceeding 10,000 words)
and the names of 3 referees] through the NTU career portal using this link.



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its contents.
Towards a sustainable earth: Print only when necessary. Thank you.

*Markus Nornes*
*Professor of Asian Cinema*
*Interim Chair, Dept. of Asian Languages and Culture*

Department of Film, Television and Media, Department of Asian Languages and
Cultures, Penny Stamps School of Art & Design

*Homepage: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~nornes/
*Department of Film, Television and Media*
*6348 North Quad*
*105 S. State Street**Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285*
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