[KineJapan] Best Contemporary Japan Photography Centre

Lorenzo Javier Torres Hortelano lorenzojavier.torres.hortelano at urjc.es
Sat Nov 13 12:52:58 EST 2021

Dear all,

I’m trying to figure out which would be the best centres in Japan on contemporary Japanese photography, a museum, archive, or research centre about the different flows in current photography, maybe with funds or work of relevant photographers, etc.

The goal is to get an idea of the best of contemporary Japanese photography in order to organize an exhibition that provides a wide vision, with an edited catalogue, etc.

Thanks in advance and Best regards,

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Lorenzo J. Torres Hortelano
Vicedecano de Extensión Universitaria y Relaciones Internacionales
Vice-Dean of University Extension and International Relations
Profesor Titular/Professor
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación
Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación y Sociología
Edificio de Gestión - Decanato
Camino del Molino s/n, 28943 Fuenlabrada
+34 91 488 73 11
lorenzojavier.torres.hortelano at urjc.es<mailto:lorenzojavier.torres.hortelano at urjc.es>
Lorenzo Torres Academia.edu<https://urjc.academia.edu/ljtorres>
IP proyecto Europa Creativa http://theylive.eu/

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