[KineJapan] Japanese Studies Directory Survey (Yanai Initiative/JPP)

Ryan Cook mauvaischat77 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 16:50:38 EDT 2022

Dear all,

My apologies if you've received this from me in more than one place. Please
consider taking a survey (links in both English and Japanese below):


Dear colleagues,

On behalf of *Japan Past & Present (JPP)*, a collaborative project of UCLA
and Waseda University, we write to share a survey gathering input for a
proposed global scholars directory/profile platform.  *JPP*, currently
under development, will serve as a centralized digital hub for
interdisciplinary and international research in Japanese humanities,
bringing together wide-ranging resources and facilitating communication
among scholars from around the world.

*We are interested in learning from you what practices and design features
might make a user-driven scholars platform successful.* By receiving your
thoughts and input, we will be able to better understand ways to shape this
directory to optimally and equitably serve Japanese Studies scholars.

[Please click here to take the survey] <https://forms.gle/91X4uMSURKm3hZaY9>

The survey will close on *July 16, 2022*.  It will take approximately 15
minutes to complete and your responses will remain anonymous.

We thank you for your time and participation.  Please also spread the word
to your colleagues and graduate students!

This survey is being administered by the *Japan Past & Present *Global
Scholars Directory Team. The information collected from these interviews
will be compiled for the purposes of a proposal report to* JPP *administrators.

Your participation is voluntary and you may withdraw at any time. No
personally identifying information will be gathered for purposes of the
report, though you will have the option to provide contact information if
you desire updates about the project.  Responses from the survey may be
used or reproduced in presentations or written products that result from
this study.
By clicking “Submit” on the final page of the survey, you are consenting to




【アンケートへの回答はこちらをクリックしてください】 <https://forms.gle/XuZKFbVt9NJ3XVBY6>




Ryan Cook (Coordinator, Global Scholars Directory Planning Team)

On behalf of:
Paula R. Curtis (Operations Leader, Japan Past & Present)

Sarah Rebecca Schmid (Global Scholars Directory Planning Team)

Kristen Luck (Global Scholars Directory Planning Team)
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