[KineJapan] Sessue Hayakawa research collection

Aaron Cohen workshopgroup at aol.com
Sun Nov 27 21:02:20 EST 2022

A re-ordering of priorities obliged me to abandon aresearch project concerning Sessue Hayakawa, and I am looking for theinstitution or researcher that could best use the research materials I havecollected. These materials consist of information from prewar Japanesepublications, Japanese posters, photographs, recent books from Japan about theactor, postcards, a phonograph record and accompanying songbook, tear sheetsfrom Japanese magazines (some in color), the transcript of an oral historyinterview, and a Japanese autobiography, dedicated and signed (completelydifferent from the English book). 
 Regarding the content of the collection, included is ashort article with rare photographs concerning his stage appearance in “TheHonorable Mr. Wong” as I was particularly concerned with his career on thestage, that has been given little attention. Another area of interest was hisappearance in “Typhoon” and I collected material in several languages aboutthat work and its various forms (translations, film, stage; in four languages),with the intent of exploring Hayakawa in the context of cultural studies, or rest-of-the-worldperceptions of Japan and the Japanese during the actor’s lifetime. I publisheda study about the “The Vermilion Pencil,” examining its different versionsincluding the film with Hayakawa  (at https://www.academia.edu/84112079/_The_Vermilion_Pencil_Ever_Onward_Christian_Soldiers_).This was a novel by geopolitician Homer Lea, best known for his ”Valor of  Ignorance” novel (Japanese translation,”盲蛇”), predicting Japan’sinvasion of the United States. A copy of a 1921 interview with Louella Parsons isincluded as well as posters and information featuring actor Sojin Kamiyama.
A prospectus with details about the collection isavailable upon request. Anyone interested in acquiring the collection isinvited to contact me in New York at 845.663.8654 (cell) or by email at workshopgroup at aol.com. 
Aaron M. Cohen New Paltz, NY Phone 845.256.0493 or 845.663.8654 (cell) 
Aaron M. CohenNew Paltz, NYPhone 845.256.0493 or 845.663.8654 (cell)Publications:
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