[KineJapan] CFP: Borders, Boundaries, Edges, and Fringes in Japanese Film (Studies) A 3 day Kinema Club conference at the University of Sheffield, UK

Jennifer Coates jennifer.coates at sheffield.ac.uk
Tue Jul 25 09:38:19 EDT 2023

Borders, Boundaries, Edges, and Fringes in Japanese Film (Studies)

A 3 day Kinema Club conference at the University of Sheffield, United

Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th June 2024

Co-Organisers: Julia Alekseyeva (UPenn) and Jennifer Coates (Sheffield)

Host institution: University of Sheffield

Call for Papers:

As we return to our research after the disruption and catastrophes of the
last few years, the time feels ripe for a re-evaluation of the field of
Japanese film studies: its past, its current situation, and its potential
futures. This call for papers invites abstracts that consider Japanese
cinema from refreshing and unusual perspectives. We are especially
interested in papers that seek to redefine the field, pushing at the
borders and boundaries of Japanese film studies, as well as work that may
exist on the edges or fringes of the field, perhaps in dialogue  with other
disciplines, or multi-modal in nature. The conference will run parallel to
Sheffield DocFest 2024, offering participants the opportunity to
interrogate Japanese nonfiction cinema and media within the context of
global film and the international film festival circuit. We hope this first
re-iteration of Kinema Club in the “post”-pandemic era will provide
opportunities for collaboration: across geographies, disciplines,
modalities, and generations.

Applicants are encouraged to consider borders and boundaries in the widest
possible terms, and topics may include (but are not limited to) the


   The boundaries of ‘Japan’: what constitutes ‘Japanese’ cinema and where
   is ‘Japanese’ cinema made and viewed?

   What might it mean to approach the study of ‘Japanese’ cinema from the
   edges or fringes - drawing from disciplines other than film studies, or
   taking creative approaches?

   Is there a ‘lunatic fringe’ in Japanese film studies and if so, what
   might we do with it?

Conference Format:

The format of this conference includes a variety of presentation types and
styles. Ideally, this variation allows the conference to be as inclusive as
possible, and include as many participants as possible–especially
contingent faculty, early career scholars, graduate students, and

The conference will take place over 3 half-days, and each day will be
dedicated to a different presentation format.


   Day 1 presentations will take the form of traditional paper
   presentations of 20 minutes, organised into panels of 3 papers with 30
   minutes Q&A at the end of all presentations.

   Day 2 presentations will take the form of lightning round panels, with
   short “provocation papers” of 10 minutes each grouped by theme into rounds
   of 3. A 60 minute Q&A and discussion will follow.

   Day 3 is dedicated to roundtables of 5-6 participants, addressing key
   issues in the field.

How to apply:

The application process for this conference aims for maximum inclusivity.
We have included a number of questions in this Google Form
to gauge interest and availability.

There will be no pre-constituted panels or roundtables. Participants are
welcome to choose one or multiple presentation types in the Google Form,
and the organisers will do their best to group panels by theme, topic, and
interest, and with diversity in mind.

Please complete the form by Friday 6th September 2023. Acceptance
notifications will be with you by the end of September to allow maximum
preparation time.

Support to attend the conference:

We’d like to make the conference open to as many participants as possible,
so we ask that if you have research funding you consider using this to
travel to the conference and stay in Sheffield. Catering and a conference
dinner will be provided.

For early career, unfunded, and independent scholars and graduate students:
we have created a programme of support to help you apply for external
funding to cover your travel and accommodation costs. A team of established
scholars have volunteered to offer advice to applicants on applying to
professional organisations and other competitive funding opportunities. If
you would like to be considered for this support, please check the relevant
box at the end of the application form. If your abstract is accepted, you
will be paired with a mentor in your geographical region who will help you
to apply for funding. Please note that mentors’ time is limited. If your
application to an external funding source is unsuccessful, the conference
organisers will provide you with budget travel and accommodation funding.

Please reach out to Jennifer Coates and Julia Alekseyeva at
KinemaClub2024 at gmail.com with any questions regarding the conference.

Professor Jennifer Coates
Professor of Japanese Studies
Departmental Director of Research & Innovation (DDRI)
School of East Asian Studies (SEAS)
University of Sheffield
Office 4.21, Floor 4, Jessop West, 1 Upper Hanover St, Broomhall, Sheffield
S3 7RA

Recent publications:
Coates, J. 2023. "Voices from an Unusual Archive: University Film Circle
Writings, 1945-1960," The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Volume 21:
Issue 6: Number 3, Article ID 5777. <https://apjjf.org/2023/6/Coates.html>
Buchheim, E. and Coates, J. 2023. *War Memory and East Asian Conflicts,
1930–1945. *Palgrave Macmillan.
Coates, J. 2022. *Film Viewing in Postwar Japan, 1945-1968: An Ethnographic
Study.* Edinburgh University Press.

ORCID: 0000-0003-4326-1481
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