[KineJapan] "The Second Sino-Japanese War in Toy Films" (Columbia U, 9/15 & 9/17)

Bernardi, Joanne joanne.bernardi at rochester.edu
Mon Sep 4 11:14:30 EDT 2023

If you're in NYC on 9/15 and/or 9/17, OTA Yoneo (The Toy Film Museum/おもちゃ映画ミュージアム)will be discussing (9/15) and screening (9/17) a 103 min. version of his film, "The Second Sino-Japanese War in Toy Films," at Columbia University. Please see the link below for details. The film is knit together from various recuperated film sources (propaganda, documentary, animation, amateur home movies, home cinema) in a range of film gauges, a "shadow history" of one corner of Japan's empire. Subtitled in English. Events sponsored by the Film and Media Studies School of the Arts, C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University, and the Center for Comparative Media at Columbia University.


Joanne Bernardi, Ph.D. (she/her)

Head, Japanese Studies Program

Professor of Japanese & Visual and Cultural Studies

Dept. of Modern Languages and Cultures

University of Rochester, PO Box 270082, Rochester NY, USA


Project Director, Re-Envisioning Japan: Japan as Destination in 20th Century Visual and Material Culture


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