[KineJapan] Your Input Needed: Help Improve Re-envisioning Japan’s Website Navigation

Bernardi, Joanne joanne.bernardi at rochester.edu
Fri Jun 28 23:59:44 EDT 2024

Dear Kinejapan colleagues,

My colleagues in Digital Scholarship at the University of Rochester and I invite you to participate in a brief (5 minutes!) test to help us improve the organization of the Re-envisioning Japan: Japan as Destination in 20th Century Visual and Material Culture (REJ) website, an online resource that provides access to digitized 8mm and 16mm films related to Japan.

If you’re not familiar with REJ, this multimedia digital archive was collaboratively designed for a heterogeneous collection of travel, educational, and entertainment ephemera documenting personal experiences, cross-cultural encounters, and changing representations of Japan and its place in the world in the early-to-mid-20th century. In addition to films available for streaming (exceptions are pending copyright clearance), the REJ collection includes printed material, postcards, sheet music (some with recordings commissioned for this project), and 3D objects.

Your feedback is extremely valuable, and participating is simple:

  *   What: A quick and easy test of our website’s navigation.
  *   Time: Approximately 5 minutes.
  *   How: Click the link below to start the test.

Start Test<https://dslab.digitalscholar.rochester.edu/rej-study/>

Thanks for helping us make our collection on the REJ website more accessible and easier to find for everyone!
Best wishes,

Joanne Bernardi
Professor of Japanese and Visual & Cultural Studies
Director, Mellon Digital Humanities Fellowship/Meliora Digital & Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
University of Rochester
Dept. of Modern Languages and Cultures
Rochester NY 14627 USA
joanne.bernardi at rochester.edu<mailto:joanne.bernardi at rochester.edu>

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