[KineJapan] New Adachi Masao Film in Production

Shayne Bowden Bowden sbow8120 at uni.sydney.edu.au
Sat Jun 29 03:02:57 EDT 2024


Adachi Masao is in pre-production for his latest film, which is a biography of sorts about former East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front member Kirishima Satoshi.  Tokyo-based writer, researcher and Adachi biographer, William Andrews has written an excellent article on what is known about the film so far. It can be found at his blog, Throw Out Your Books. https://throwoutyourbooks.wordpress.com/
An online announcement about the film from a few days ago can be found here. https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/579596


Shayne Bowden BA, MA (USYD)
PhD Candidate
School of Languages and Cultures
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The University of Sydney

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