[KineJapan] The Way of Shodo - Tokyo

Lorenzo Javier Torres Hortelano lorenzojavier.torres.hortelano at urjc.es
Sat Sep 7 14:44:23 EDT 2024

I'm passing on information about a hybrid exhibition (photography, video art and original graphic work) that will open soon at the Spanish Embassy in Tokyo. The artists are some good Spanish friends who have been making a documentary for a couple of years about the way of Shodo and relating it to the Camino de Santiago in Spain. So this exhibition is like a preview of the documentary. I have seen most of the pieces and they are beautiful.

This is the website of the documentary itself: https://thewayofshodo.com/
The Way of Shodō project<https://thewayofshodo.com/>
By journeying along the route of the 88 temples, a spiritual path that is connected with the Camino de Santiago, we demonstrate how the practice of Shodō serves as both an art form and a means for personal development.
And, please, find attached the invitation to the Embassy.



Lorenzo J. Torres Hortelano

Vicedecano de Investigación y Relaciones Internacionales

Vice-Dean of Research and International Relations

Catedrático de Comunicación Audiovisual

Professor of Audiovisual Communication

レイ・フアン・カルロス大学 コミュニケーション科学学部 教授 (日本研究)

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación

Departamento de Comunicación y Publicidad

Edificio de Gestión - Decanato

Camino del Molino s/n, 28943 Fuenlabrada

comunicacion.investigacionrrii at urjc.es<mailto:comunicacion.investigacionrrii at urjc.es>

lorenzojavier.torres.hortelano at urjc.es<mailto:lorenzojavier.torres.hortelano at urjc.es>

Director Trama&Fondo. Lectura y Teoría del Texto<http://www.tramayfondo.com/>


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