Tent caterpilars

Hank Brodkin hankb at theriver.com
Thu Apr 17 23:51:33 EDT 1997

Insectadv at AOL.COM wrote:
> Hank, saw your note on the listing and thought that you might still might
> like to get the Lorquin Newsletter.  I don't have an address for you.  If you
> are interested, drop me a not with an address and I will see that you are on
> the mailing.
> Sincerely,
> Jerri Larsson
> Insect Adventures
> Lorquin membership secretary.

We have moved to Arizona.  I still would like to be a member.  I forgot
to send my dues and will do forthwith (forsooth or whatever).  I need
Jess' address - a lot of our stuff is still in boxes.
My address is 5484 Rogers Drive, Hereford, AZ 85615 and my E Mail
address is below.  Our phone is (520) 803-9700.

Sorry about the oversight and thanks!
		Hank Brodkin, Nicksville, AZ
              31.42 Degrees N, 110.12 Degrees W
	      For Info on the Calbird Mail List
               send mailto:hankb at theriver.com

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