Help finding polyxenes

Cheryl A. Heinz cah13 at
Tue Apr 22 08:34:51 EDT 1997

Hello --

What I'm essentially trying to do right now is build a sort of mental
database as to where I can find the butterflies. For sites that are
"nearby" (within NY state and some within a few hour radius outside), I'll
probably want to visit the sites this year, because in culture (here and
elsewhere), they can only be reared a couple of generations before a
disease of some sort sets in (it's not purely inbreeding, but that may
partially explain it). I might be doing some field work later in the
summer, too, and the closer to home e better, as it will probably be in
conjunction with lab work.

Sites further south, like Atlanta, are no less useful -- though I generally
TA in the spring, if I could get away for a little while to catch some
butterflies early on, I could get a jump on my field season. Obviously,
it's a little late for that this year (I knew I couldn't get away anyways),
but next year or later... (Also, depending on how things are going, it
might be useful as early as this fall!)

So, what would be most useful would be some general information, like
roughly when during the year are they flying in roughly what numbers (few,
many, lots). For locations, unless the sites are relatively easy to find,
it would probably be easiest if I could contact you again when I actually
start thinking more in terms of planning a trip south.

Thank you very very much! If you want to know more of what I'm doing with
the butterflies, feel free to ask!


><< I am a graduate student at Cornell University attempting to study the
> oviposition behavior of the black swallowtail butterfly, _Papilio
> polyxenes_. The problem is, the populations of the butterfly in the
> immediate area appear to be declining, and it is no longer feasible to
> reliably find butterflies locally >>
>I am a Cornell grad,Biochem,and willing to provide you info from the "Atlanta
>" population if you email me what you can use from me. Send to torouke at aol

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