Help me ID this Caterpillar!

Andrew Mitchell moths at
Mon Aug 11 09:53:36 EDT 1997

Sounds like a species of Cucullia (Noctuidae) both from the description
and from the host plant.

                                              \   /
Andrew Mitchell                     ,_____     \ /     _____,
Department of Entomology           /      ~)   O^0   (~      \
4112 Plant Sciences Building      /         ~\( " )/~         \
University of Maryland            (           ( " )           )
College Park, MD 20742-4454       <----------//_"_\\---------->
U.S.A.                             \        / |___| \        /
                                    \      /  |___|  \      /
PHONE: 301-405-7088                  ~v_/@~   |___|   ~@\_v~
FAX: 301-314-9290                              \_/
E-MAIL: moths at                    U

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