Conference Announcement

Dave Chesmore E.D.Chesmore at
Wed Aug 27 04:44:22 EDT 1997

This workshop may be of interest to list members.

University of Kent, Canterbury
26th September 1997

Handheld computers have been used for some time by a small 
number of fieldworkers for data collection, although they are rarely 
used for making data available in the field. That is set to change give
n the increased use and availability of handheld computers, Personal 
Digital Assistants and other technical developments such as mobile 
telephones and Global Positioning Systems. The aims of this 
workshop are to review (from a fieldwork perspective and at a 
non-technical level), the current technologies which are available, and 
to illustrate their use in the field through a number of case studies 
from several fieldwork disciplines. 

The workshop will consist of a number of talks from people who are 
actively working in the field of mobile computing, and demonstrations 
from suppliers of mobile computers and Global Positioning Systems. 

Latest information and abstracts can be found at web site:

There will be a charge of stlg20 per person, which will include coffee, 
tea and lunch. Requests for further information and bookings 
(cheques should be made payable to 'The University of
Kent') should be sent to Dr David Morse at: Computing Laboratory, 
University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF, UK. Phone: (01227) 
827571. Fax: (01227) 762811. Email: D.R.Morse at

Preliminary Programme

9.30	Registration
10.00	Derek Morgan (Central Science Laboratories) 
          	The development of an intelligent 'Data Assistant': a wish 
10.30  	Ian Mitchell (Ormston Technologies Limited) 
           	Global Positioning Systems: The technology and its 
11.00  	Coffee 
11.30  	Peter Brown (University of Kent) 
           	Using 'stick-e' notes to record and retrieve data in the field 
12.00  	Dave Chesmore (University of Hull) 
           	Radio communications options for field-based computing 
12.30  	John Bovey (University of Kent) 
           	A general purpose, location aware retrieval system 
13.00  	Lunch and demonstrations 
14.30  	Jason Pascoe, David Morse & Nick Ryan (University of 
           	Using handheld technology to support student fieldwork 
14.55  	Graham Smith, D. Ian Heywood, Bruce Carlisle & Jamie 
           	(Manchester Metropolitan University and University of 
      	Feature mapping and data collection in the field: The role for 
GPS and laptop computing 
15.20  	Janet Bagg (University of Kent) 
           	Mobile computing in the maquis: Locating historical sites in 
difficult terrain 
15.45  	Tea 
16.15  	Katherine Rusk (University of York) 
       	The Use of GPS in Pasturage Assessment around Norse 
sites in Qorlortup Valley, Greenland 
16.40  	Bill Parker (ADAS) 
           	Uses and abuses of GPS for field data collection 
17.05  	David Zeitlyn & Michael Fischer (University of Kent) 
           	Anthropological use of context aware field computing 
17.30  	Close
Dr David Chesmore, FRES
Environmental Electronics Research Group
Dept. of Electronic Engineering
University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX
Tel: +482 465062;  Fax: +482 466664
Email:  E.D.Chesmore at E-Eng.Hull.AC.UK
Web page:

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