..Mr T.

Bruce Walsh bruce_walsh at tikal.biosci.arizona.edu
Fri Aug 29 04:05:10 EDT 1997

                       Subject:                               Time:3:54 PM
  OFFICE MEMO          ..Mr T.                                Date:8/29/97

Well, nice the see an unbiased, well researched report on poor old Mr. T.

Some immediate observations:

"	Nearly 20 species of butterflies are on the endangered list in the
United States; Hawaii has the most, California the second most"

This is clearly false --- as Hawaii has only two native endemics!  The rest
are trash bugs from all over the world!   

"They said he admitted having captured them in other parks, including Bryce
Canyon, Arches and Canyonlands parks in UT and Mesa Verde in CO. Sequoia
spokeswoman Malinee Crapsey said Parks Service entomologists were attempting
to identify and catalogue the confiscated butterflies to determine whether any
are on the endangered species list. But officials said that given the
locations where they were caught, it is probable that at least some are from
endangered species. "

Given the locations it is highly UNLIKELY that endangered species were taken. 
If he, instead, collected along trashed-up sand dune habitat along the
California coast, it would be another matter.

Its clear that Federal authorities are positioning themselves for more
chest-beating (and net-grabbing).  The sad part is that by working with
amateur collectors, the parks can obtain a far better picture of the
distribution of their local fauna than they could using paid park personnel. 
Likewise, they could easily develop very nice display collections for their
nature centers.


Bruce Walsh

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