Neil Jones Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
Wed Dec 31 13:33:47 EST 1997

In article <evoluhol-3112971106350001 at pm4192.spectra.net>
           evoluhol at magnum.wpe.com  writes:

> Who is Larry?
> > Solstitial greetings to one and all , and especially to Larry for keeping=
> >
> > the show on the road.
> > Michael Healy

Larry is Dr Lawrence Gall at Yale. He runs Leps-L.
Just to explain the point to those who have not realised.
sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera is connected to a listserver called
leps-l. This means that the postings made to one are automatically
passed on to the other. I am replying here on s.b.e.l although I am
also subscribed to leps-l. It will eventually reach the leps-l server.
There are often peculiar delays in the system which is why on occasion
some people will see the answer to a question before the question itself.

Blwyddyn newydd dda (That is happy new year where I come from.)

Neil Jones- Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
http://www.nwjones.demon.co.uk/ "The power of accurate observation is commonly
called cynicism by those who have not got it." George Bernard Shaw.

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